Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Eating life one bite at a time

This afternoon I was making about 100 small cookies for a big youth activity my husband was involved with. I decided to make the cookies during nap time. 
June loves to help me and just watch in the kitchen. It's always fun to have a little friend to cook with. 
When the cookies were done and nap time was over, I called both kids up to the kitchen to have their cookies. Connor immediately took his cookie and ate it whole. In one bite it was gone. I don't think he even tasted it. Then June took the cookie, ate a small bite and asked if she could save the rest for later.
I was shocked for a second at her request but then I said, yes. 
She later came up and ate the rest of her cookie and spoke of how good it was. Connor was mad at himself and asked for another cookie. The cookies were gone to the activity by then and a few tears were shed because he hadn't taken the time to "portion out" his cookie.

I found this little scenario interesting and likened it to life in general. 
Sometimes we want to take a million projects on all at once, and don't realize our growth in the process.
Life can be overwhelming in itself, but taken step by step can be beautiful and in this case, delicious.

I feel as a mother, I have to do a million things at once, groceries, laundry, preschool, church, cooking, dishes, playing with kids and more. It's a lot to swallow. 

I love the phrase, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
(My dad once told me that when he caught me in one of my long tangents of lists of 'to-do's')

Yes, there are day's where we will eat the whole cookie and just swallow without tasting it. But if we work on taking one bite at a time and portioning out our life, we will be able to taste the flavor and relish the sweet taste of the little things in life. 

Preschool day's and childhood in general are passing faster than I ever imagined. I know all too soon they will be gone forever. If I could portion out my chores and spend more time with what is REALLY important I will taste the sweetness and recognize the growth of body and spirit. 

Eating life one bite at a time. 

This can also be likened to scripture study.

When we read 10 chapters of the scriptures all in one day, did we really taste them? Did we feel our spirits change? When we read the words of God, we need to study them, liken them to ourselves. Ponder and make a change in our lives to be better today than we were yesterday. 

Portioning out the scriptures and taking them one bite at a time, helps us grow and develop into the person our Father in Heaven wants us to be.

I love to read the scriptures and find a verse or two that really strike me. I write them down or type them up and keep them in a place I can see often. I re read them and try to apply them to myself. 

I'm thankful for the scriptures in my life and how they help me grow. They are truly delicious!

Motherhood Memory #3
(My baby girl smiling at my smile)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

You're Cinderella!

It was a busy morning of chores and errands.

I asked my daughter June (5) to take a towel and a toy downstairs. 
She said, "Mom, why do I have to put these away?!" (With a big sigh...)

I calmly (said with a sigh of my own), "June, who makes the food, cleans up the kitchen, cleans the house and does the laundry?"

June pointed to me- then I said, "So, can't I ask for help sometimes?"

She paused for a moment and said,
"You're Cinderella!" (Haha)

All mothers are Cinderella's! All women are Princesses, even if most days we don't feel like one. We are daughters of a King. Our Father in Heaven who is above all gives us our royal and divine heritage. 

Sometimes we forget that even princesses like Cinderella, do the laundry, wash the windows, cook, clean, sew, and much more. Just because most days we feel like a scullery maid doesn't mean we are one. We need to remember that we are all princesses, true daughters of a king. 

We are Cinderella!

Our Heavenly King is always watching us as we progress through "princess training." We have to prove that we are worthy of such a title. To prove ourselves I believe we have to earn it. Hard work, dedication, and an optimistic attitude of life will witness of our royal endeavor. I LOVE the new Cinderella movie that has the theme of "Have Courage and Be Kind." It truly echoes what a princess is, and what we should always strive to be. Having courage through life will help us have faith instead of fear. Remember, fear is the opposite of faith. When we are kind to those around us, they will enjoy our company and want to be with us more. Kindness turns simple traits into amazing characteristics. Helping others along our way blesses us more than those we aid. 

As princesses of the Most High we are expected to act as such. As princesses we need to have the best manners and etiquette around. Would princesses start rumors? Would princesses make rude comments, or make others feel bad about themselves? 
Princesses would go out of their way to help others. Show kindness and love to those who they associate with. And they would NEVER make anyone feel bad about themselves.

Be a true Cinderella. We all have to clean, cook, wash, mend, and scrub, but we can do it with a happy heart and a sweet tune to hum. Those around us will find our attitude of life contagious and we will bless those whom we associate with.

"This home is filled with endless love and laundry!" 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Play with me so I can fly!

Whenever I hear "Mom, play with me!" I am overwhelmed. There's so much to do around the house and seems like so little time. AND... It always seems like they ask for me to play with them in the middle of making dinner, or when I'm up to my knees in paint, or folding a mountain of laundry. Kids have bad timing. I am no where near the perfect mom, I don't think anyone can be given that title, but as long as you try, you're doing great. 

  I read a quote the other day that that gave me a little relief. "The very fact that you worry about being a good mom, means that you already are one."

I pray everyday to be a good mom. To be a little more patient and to be a good teacher. I look back at all the practical traits I use everyday that I was taught by my mother. She taught be how to cook, sew, paint, clean, she helped with reading, good manners, and so much more. Teaching your children as they grow is vital to their success in life. It's very intimidating, but not impossible. 

I went to a women's day off conference a couple years ago and one class was SOO full of knowledge it helped me so much! I go back to my notes I took often to remember the information she gave. The class gave me confidence that I can be a good mom.
One thing the teacher said was, "Parent's try to throw their kids a toy and expect them to play with it. The kids have never seen the toy and don't know how to play with it. When a parent is always on their phone or tablet, the child sees that, and wants to do the same. But when a parent takes the time to SHOW the child HOW to play with a toy, you open the unlimited possibilities of imagination and true 'play time'." I love that by taking time to play with your kids you show them how to play. It's obvious that you can't just dump blocks in front of a baby and expect them to build a castle. It's US, the parents who have to SHOW them the possibilities. 

I have learned that my kids love to spend time with mom. It's very flattering that every time I go to the restroom I will have an audience when I open the door. Or when I try to cook a meal, I have two harsh critics as my side telling me what to do, or even more often, "JUST LET ME DO IT!" I have many opportunities a day to either turn my kids away, or to teach them. When folding laundry, I can tell them to go play or I can ask for their help with the small hand towels. When cooking, I can tell them to go watch a movie, or I can explain what I'm doing and have them help stir. 
I feel better when I choose to have their help. I am NOT saying that is what I do every single time, but I try more and more to include my children in my every day tasks to help them learn. 

No one will ever master parenthood, but I do believe that if you are always trying to be a better parent today than yesterday, you have already succeeded. 

Motherhood Moment #2
(Play with Me so I can fly)

Playing airplane with my kids is one of our favorites, and it gives me a great leg and core workout! Win Win!

Friday, January 22, 2016


On of my most favorite things to do with my kids is to read to them. WE LOVE STORY TIME! There's really no time like story time. Sometimes we read in mom and dad's bed right when they wake up. Other times we read right before bed, and most times we read in the afternoon when there's nothing else to do. We love to giggle at the pictures and mom loves to make funny voices. 
I enjoy watching their imaginations spark and their curious minds work. I love teaching my kids simple manners and lessons like; Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. "Do we just walk into people's houses? No......" "Do we eat other people's food without asking? No....." "Do we break other people's things and not fix them? No....." Etc. 
Cuddling up with my children and cute books is one of my most favorite 'mommy and me' times.
We have too many favorites to count, I know they will change, but here's a list of our most read, "mom memorized" books.

The Rain Came Down
Harry and the Terrible Whatzit
The Popcorn Shop
The Little Mailman
Going on a Bear Hunt
Mother Goose Tales
How Do Dinosaurs say I Love You
A Bad case of Stripes
If you Give a Mouse a Cookie
The Day the Crayon's Quit
Green Eggs and Ham
You are My I Love You
Time for Bed
Click, Clack, Moo
If you Give a Moose a Muffin
(And 20 more I can't think of right now.)

I've started a continuous project. I realize that my kids are growing up too fast and I can't stop it. So I've decided to take pictures of my favorite "motherhood moments" I have with my kids. Yes they are staged, but a picture is worth a thousand words and a million memories. I want to remember our favorite things at all stages of their lives. I wish I would have started earlier, but better late than never. 

Motherhood Moment #1
"Story Time"

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Following a prompting

I've been asked a few times for various reasons such as talks or lessons on the Holy Ghost; "When have you felt and heeded a prompting of the Holy Ghost?"

I have to be honest, I feel the spirit and follow His guidance daily. Most people chalk it up to, "just a thought" or "I had an idea," but I know that the Holy Ghost is the one who is directing my path. It's my choice to choose whether I follow His guidance and change my actions or choose a different route for my day. A couple occasions come to mind to describe my simple promptings that seem small at the moment but can EASILY turn into something big. One happened about 5 years ago and one happened today.


We were living on an Air Force Base and the winters were long and hard. Our daughter was about 1 month old, and I felt like I had a handle on schedules with feeding and naps. (When you're a new mom it takes a while to get it figured out) I was getting cabin fever BAD.  I thought, "Just an outing to the grocery store would get me out of the small confines of base housing and do me some good." I bundled up June, prepared any extras I might need in my diaper bag and we hopped in the car for a small excursion. It had snowed all night but had stopped that morning. The roads seemed plowed and fine, but the air was BITTER cold and seemed frozen in place. As we drove 100 yards away from our home, I got the distinct impression to turn around. I had "thoughts" enter my head like, "the roads look slick up ahead, you don't NEED to go to the store, you can go another time." "Is your cabin fever really as bad as risking a car wreck with your new child?"
This was my moment.
I had always wanted DISTINCT spiritual experiences that I had chosen to follow the promptings of the spirit, but I felt like they never came. Most stories I had ever heard ended badly and the person relating the story WISHED they had listened to the spirit. Was I about to have a BAD spiritual prompting story if I didn't turn around? 
I didn't want to take that risk. I took this as a DIRECT prompting of the Holy Ghost and turned around. I unloaded my priceless precious cargo - our beautiful daughter, and held her tight in the safety of our home. I felt good about my decision. I didn't know what could have happened if I had stayed on the road 20 more feet or 2 more miles, but I was confident that I had felt the spirit and heeded the prompting to stay safe and not risk anything that could turn nothing into something.


Today our daughter is 5 and our son in 3. My June and I like to make crafts while Connor takes his afternoon nap. I was cutting paper on my mom's large paper cutter. (The one that looks like a block with an attached knife on the side- you've seen the industrial type) I explained to June that this was VERY SHARP and to never touch it. It can cut off your finger and hurt you VERY BADLY. She is VERY good about taking directions and following them. 
Connor however was asleep while I gave this instruction. He's a little more curious, and presses buttons because they blink (Power buttons on computers while you're in the middle of typing an important document), and touches things because they are red (microwave buttons, phones and more).
The large paper cutter has been out, perfectly untouched by my sweet children, and of course perfectly at their level of use if wanted.  It has been out for 1 day and hasn't been touched. I had almost forgotten it was there. I had just put the kids to bed and started to tidy up their play room. (Note to self: I've gotta get better at making THEM pick up THEIR mess before bed)
As I finished tidying up their toys I glanced over and saw the large paper cutter untouched since the day before. A moment of thankfulness came to me because I remembered I hadn't told my curious 3 year old about the danger of the blade. I thought, "He didn't touch it, so I can just leave it there instead of walking all the way down the hallway and put it back in the storage room where it first resided." I had another thought.... "Don't test your luck, he might try it out tomorrow." 
This was my moment.
It may seem silly to most, comparing the Holy Ghost to such a simple thing as putting away a paper cutter, but to me, "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." (Alma 37:6)
ANYTHING small can become big with no time to react. Something small like a "thought" to move the paper cutter away from small hands reach can keep my child's fingers attached to his hand. Small movement to keep from a big consequence.

A small 'thought' or a small prompting, can bring you great gratitude for your Father in Heaven.
Realizing that you have a greater being in by your side makes your decisions in life much more meaningful.

I'm thankful for the Holy Ghost in my life. I've learned to give Him the credit instead of leaning unto my own knowledge and understanding. He knows the outcome of any situation and he knows how to help me prevent disasters great or small and keep me and my family safe.

To learn more about the Holy Ghost and more testimonies about having spiritual direction in your life click the link below.

I love taking pictures. I took these on a frozen morning on the base we were stationed at. I LOVE frosted trees like this! It does't happen often, but when it does, it takes my breath away. Oh how beautiful the world that our Father in Heaven has made.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Can you see yourself in the temple?

A few months ago we went to the Payson Utah Temple open house. We left at 7 and got there for our tour at 8. It was BEAUTIFUL -Truly gorgeous! I can't wait to go back and see it all again. The celestial room was immaculate. They had crystals that matched the chandeliers dangling from the fringe on the bottom of the couches! The carpet was imprinted with designs. The sealing rooms were SCRUMPTIOUS! It was AMAZING to say the least.

It was such a sweet feeling/memory to walk through the rooms with our 2 small children in hand (4 & 2). As we were going through the celestial room, June and I moved to the side where we could "take it all in" and let the continuous motion of people move past us. I looked over and noticed a large mirror. I picked up June walked over with her in arm and said, "June, can you see yourself in the temple?" I gave her a kiss then kept walking. It didn't hit me until about 5 steps later to what I had just said. "Can you see yourself in the temple?" It was both literal and spiritual. I started to tear up as I continued to think about that simple phrase. "Can you see yourself in the temple?" I want to raise my children always seeing themselves in the temple, and always having that as their goal. When we were in a sealing room, we picked up both kids to see their reflection in the large mirrors that seem to go on for eternity. I then said again, to both of them this time, "Can you see yourself in the temple? We are an eternal family because of the temple."

They may not understand the significance the temple has had on our family, but it was such a sweet experience and such a special time we could spend as a family. We are eternally bound together forever because of the temple. I can't bear to imagine eternity without my family. I can't wait for more temple open houses so we can go again and say, "Can you see yourself in the temple?"

For more information about temples and how families can be together forever, click the link below!


Monday, January 4, 2016

What's a Testimony?

Yesterday was Fast and Testimony meeting.

My daughter June (5) was coloring a picture on the pew right next to me. The first sister finished her testimony and sat down.
June looked up at me and said, "Was that a prayer mom?"
I said, "No, honey that was a testimony."
June, "What's a testimony?"
I hadn't thought of the literal definition of a testimony in a long time. So I thought for a second, and said, "A testimony is when you share things you know are true."
June then asked, "How do you know when things are true?"
Oh wow, my 5 year old daughter is getting into some pretty deep questions for a 5 year old.
I said, "You pray and listen to the Holy Ghost to know if things are true. And you get a good feeling inside, and you remember that feeling forever."
I tried to make it as simple as I possible so she could understand it.
She seemed satisfied with my answer and went back to coloring.
(I now know that our Family Home Evening will be on testimonies tonight.)

As I sat there thinking about the questions June asked me, I started to ponder on my own testimony. A young woman got up and bore her testimony on being kind. She said that she has had a boy in school that has always criticized her and her friends for being LDS. She wanted to know how to be strong when he came against them in school. She said she had always struggled with reading her scriptures every day and that she had now started. She read them everyday and was saying her prayers every morning and night. She bore testimony of how her heart has changed with her feelings towards that boy and how she has felt the spirit more in her life. It was a beautiful testimony.

An older woman in the ward stood up in Relief Society and bore her testimony. She started by saying, "They say, if you don't share your testimony you will lose it, and I don't want to lose it, it's one of my greatest treasures."

That really struck me. I need to share my testimony more with others so I won't lose it. I know that my testimony is strengthened when I hear others bear witness of things I also know to be true. I feel like they are building me up for another month. I need to be a builder who build's others' testimonies as well.

I came home with a wonderful spirit and a feeling of strength. I kept thinking about the importance of the scriptures in my life and how they have blessed me. You can't have a testimony of the scriptures by not reading them. You have to read them, pray about the things you read, and think about them constantly. I think that's why I love to print off scriptures and have them around my home. I feel a constant strength when I read certain scriptures over and over again. I love the Bible and I love the Book of Mormon. They work hand in hand with each other. They both witness and testify of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I am grateful for the commandments in my life. They give me guidelines to stand by and keep me safe from harm. Many may think that commandments keep you from having "fun," but in reality, they are there to keep us safe. If you know the commandments and know the suffering that comes from breaking them, you will see them as a protection as well. Not only are you accountable for your actions today with the law but you are accountable to a higher law. Someone is always watching you, ALWAYS. The commandments and covenants we make with our Father in Heaven keeps us accountable for our actions. If we aren't accountable for the mistakes we make then we are digressing in our path to eternal life. I am truly thankful for the gospel in my life and for the guidance and direction it gives me to constantly better myself everyday.

If you want more information of amazing testimonies here is a link to talks, scriptures, videos and music that can help EVERYONE!

(My all time favorite scripture that I keep framed in my home.)