WHAT A BUSY MORNING! I went to volunteer at my daughter's school this morning while my sister Candace, watched my little boy, Connor. When I was done, I met them at the community center to play queens court volleyball with some other friends for an hour. We parted exhausted ways, then came home and fixed lunch.
As I was wolfing down my lunch, (I was STARVING after volleyball, whatever I ate for breakfast was NOT enough!) my husband called. He filled me in on his morning errands, and asked what I had planned for the rest of the day. I told him I was planning on shoveling our walks and doing some laundry.
(We live right across from our church house. We have sort of taken on the chore of shoveling the sidewalks when it snows. Not hard, just takes time and effort around the large building.)
Josh hinted, "If you have time, you could maybe go over to the church and shovel the sidewalks; whatever you don't do, I will have to after work."
I thought for a millisecond....I can take this two ways;
1. Be insulted he asked me to do MORE than what I had planned for the day, or
2. Look at it as an opportunity to get outside with our little boy and do some service.
I decided to take it as an open invitation to do some service for my husband, our church building, and to get some added cardio to my already "cardioed" body from volleyball.
(Everyone needs a little more cardio! Heart Healthy!)
I said we would try to get to the church, even though I fully intended to go over with Connor. I wanted it to be a little surprise; even though with the rate the snow is falling he might have to go over again anyway. We ended the conversation and Connor and I cleaned up lunch.
We got bundled up from head to toe and went outside in the continual falling snow. Connor helped shovel our driveway into what looked like a maze. It was so cute! I shoveled our side walks and "helped" him with the driveway. He's a GREAT helper for a 4 year old!
We trudged across the thick snow covered road and immediately began our task. Connor was such a good sport. Most little kids would start whining at this point, but not him! He was very much into our secret assignment.
Push after push, step after step, we rounded one corner, then the next. I was focused on sidewalk and wasn't even looking around. Connor then said behind me, "Mom! Can I go climb that mountain?" I looked up and didn't even notice the mountain of snow 25 feet away that the tractors had piled up from the parking lot this morning. I said, "SURE! go for it!" I stood on the sidewalk watching and cheering him on. (As a mom, you know that you need to cheer for them every step of the way, or they get disappointed and keep asking to see if you're watching!)
Connor said waving me over, "Mom, you too!"
I said, "No I'm good, I'll watch."
(I SERIOUSLY don't remember the last time I climbed a giant pile of snow! Over 15 years, at least!)
I noticed immediately after his first few attempts to get his feet into the snow, that he wasn't going to make it up without my help. His boots were not getting traction on the snow and he couldn't get a good footing. I put my shovel down and walked over to my sweet little boy.
I held his hand and helped him up get his first step.
Next, I climbed up next to him and realized he was going up the slick straight side. I looked over and noticed that only 12 inches to the right was a very "bumpy" easier way up, for BOTH of us. I then released my hand and started to step hard on the snow and make, "steps" for Connor to climb by himself. He could easily make the journey with the new path and knowledge of, "mom is at the top and I can climb this mountain if I can follow her footsteps."
I stood at the top, watching Connor, cheering him on and guiding him in his footing. I couldn't help but think that our Savior is at the top of our life mountain. He has gone before us and has shown us an easier path in life if we just accept it. He continually gives us guidance and assurance as we listen to the Prophet and read the scriptures. He knows how to help us along our hike, because he has made that journey himself. He wants us to follow His footsteps and keep climbing! Keep going, don't give up until you reach the top.
I am so thankful for sweet small experiences like this that help build my testimony. They make me realize that our Savior is in EVERYTHING we do, if we just have the eyes to see Him.
"If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill."
Henry B. Eyring