Sunday, July 26, 2020

More faith (or lack of) than you may think

You may have heard, "I think they have more faith in me than I do."
Yesterday that faith was tested.
Through miscommunication and not close directions, my daughter June and I got lost on a four wheeling ride yesterday. 
We were on a mountain that we have visited every year for the past 3 years. I haven't driven on those roads enough to know where I was going, I always simply followed the leader.  (Mistake on my part, I need to be better about knowing my surroundings)
We stayed a little ways back from the other two four wheelers so as to not eat dust the whole trip. As June and I were LOVING being together and asking funny questions back and forth, we realized we hadn't seen any dust in front of us for a while. We kept going and continued to have a lovely time. We came to a fork in the road. No one was waiting for us to tell us which direction to go. There was no dust in any direction due to the dense forest and hills around us. So, with a prayer in my heart I decided to go "UP" to the right. June said, "I was thinking that way too mom, the tracks looked fresh." (Ha ha, we know NOTHING about tracking!) We were headed to the lake and I remember that the lake was towards the top of the mountain, so the road that seemed to head "upwards" seemed the best option in my mind. 
We continued talking, and slowly our happiness faded. We became quieter and quieter because we didn't see anyone ahead. 
Didn't they know we weren't behind them?
Didn't they ever look behind them and not notice us???
June started to cry and said, "Mom, I think we are lost."
We were on a main road and I felt good about the direction we were going, but I started to doubt. (Note to self, NEVER DOUBT)
We pulled over and said a prayer. I asked to give us guidance and fill our hearts and minds with the Spirit so we could know which way to go or what to do.
We ended the prayer and continued on the road. I started to recite some of my favorite scriptures to June;

Also in my mind, I instantly went to "survival mode." I said in a laughing manner to June, "Don't worry! We have water and food, toilet paper, baby wipes and some band aids, we could survive a few days our here!" 
Note to self: That reassurance wasn't very reassuring to a 9.5 year old. She said a shaky, "Ok mom." But from behind me, I heard her start to cry. 
I pulled over and hugged her.
(Stay strong for June, it won't help if we both cry! I felt like a kid left at a store, but I wasn't a kid, I was a mom! And a mom has to be strong!)
I reassured her that we would be okay. We prayed again and I asked how she felt. She said she felt ok, but she felt like we needed to turn around.
Well, I am the first to say that children are more than not, more receptive to the whisperings of the Spirit than I am. Their innocence and youth help the Holy Ghost communicate well with those little souls.
So, I took that and turned around. 
I remember the ONLY SOULS we passed on the road was a family with horses a few miles behind us. We turned around and drove back. We pulled up to the family and asked if they knew where the lake was. They said we were going the right way!
June said to me as we continued, "Mom I feel so relieved! I'm glad we turned around to ask for directions. Now we KNOW that we are going the right way!"
I heartily agreed and we kept going with hearts a little lighter. 
In my mind, I was still a little frustrated that no one from our family who was ahead ever came looking for us. We had been separated for about an hour! But as soon as that thought entered my mind I thought, they don't know our four wheeling travel patterns of "look behind and wait," and they haven't been four wheeling for 15 years like I have. They must have simply thought I knew the way. Every day we learn and I am sure that ALL of us are learning today. I told June that we shouldn't be angry with our family, but happy when we find them. It would be easy to lash out once we find them, because there was no doubt in my mind that we would find them. But it wouldn't help the situation at ALL if anger prevailed instead of relief.
We continued up the road and saw a forest ranger pass us! We waved him down and asked him again if we were going the right way. He once again confirmed to us that we were on the right road. 
We continued on about 100 yards ahead of us my husband came around the bend looking for us!
We stopped and the first thing he said was, "Are you okay?"
Well the courage that I had felt and the strength I was holding onto left. I cried a bit and said, "We're good. We got separated. I thought you would have waited for us at the road to know which way to turn but you kept going. We had to turn around and ask for directions and then we would have come to meet you. We're sorry we didn't stay close enough. I think you had too much faith in my directions of this mountain!"
He kept apologizing but we knew that we were fine. We continued on TOGETHER up to the lakes. 

There were a few spiritual lessons I learned today.

Lesson #1:
Never assume someone's strength of faith.
How often do we assume people know the way they should be going? Do we put too much faith in people, assuming they are thriving when they are actually struggling? 
Do we think their testimony is strong, when they are actually wavering?
Everyone needs strengthening. .i ugygggygy
No matter their calling, your calling, their perceived strength, EVERYONE needs a spiritual visit from a friend. Everyone needs a minister.
James 2:26
"For as the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."

Lesson #2:
Know the plan and don't doubt yourself. Have a meeting with those around you. Ask what the plan is, for the day, for the year and for eternity. What do we hope to accomplish together and individually? How can we keep from doubting our potential? How can we keep from doubting our worth, our testimony and our strength? Heaven is calling to you, today and everyday helping you along your road.
D&C 6:36
"Look unto me in ever thought; doubt not, fear not."

Lesson #3:
Those who wander, may not know they are lost.
June and I didn't think we were lost at first. We continued down our merry little way, happy with life and enjoying our time.
Those around us, may not understand that they are lost. They are enjoying the scenery, they are happily on their path even if they may be going the wrong way. Until you teach them and show them by your example will they learn the true path that leads to eternity.
Help those that may not know they are lost. Give direction and guidance to help them make their own way to the path of discipleship.

Matthew 7:3
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye ?"

Take a minute to self evaluate your spirit. Have you been wandering? Are you a little lost without realizing it? Are you on the path the Lord wants you on?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Bury your wickedness and live in LOVE

This last week, we discussed as a family the account of the Lamanites who then changed their name to the "Anti-Nephi-Lehies." And they made a covenant to the Lord to not take up their weapons of war against their brethren again. They didn't want to risk breaking their covenant, and took extreme measures to make sure they would never physically hurt others or eternally hurt themselves gain. They buried their weapons and sealed them in the earth. 
In "The Friend" July 2020 edition there is a "find it" that shows a beautiful depiction of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying their weapons of war. It was very simple. It said, find 23 weapons in the ground and 30 hearts above ground. This simple rendition struck we very strongly, and thought to myself that they were burying their wickedness and choosing to live in love.  

We all make mistakes everyday. Repentance is real, it is hard and it is beautiful. A sister missionary in our ward bore her testimony and said, "Repentance was born of LOVE, not from punishment."
 I LOVED THAT! It struck my soul to quit thinking that repentance is a punishment, 
We have the choice whether to live with our wickedness or we can choose to live in love. We can repent and forsake the evils we have done and live a beautiful life of love. Love for ourselves, our fellowmen and most importantly, love for our Savior.

I love the scriptures in this account Alma 24:7-10

I love knowing that I personally have a "portion of His Spirit" with me. I have been baptized and made a covenant with my Savior to follow Him and be a disciple of Him. He then blessed me with "a portion of His Spirit." He has given me a way to repent of the things I have done, that through the atonement He might forgive me and help me to live my life in love as He did.

Four Wheeling with the Holy Ghost

We recently went four-wheeling with our children. I had a wonderful experience that made me reflect on how the Holy Ghost works in our lives. 

I was driving the four wheeler with our 7 year old son. 
He then asked behind me, "Mom can I drive?" 
I said, "Sure! I'll be right here as you drive."

We switched spots and he was so excited that he pushed the gas HARD and we jolted into action, I immediately grabbed onto him and said, "WOOW, slow it down buddy, ease into it. Start slow and then get up to speed. Take your time buddy, no rush." 
He then slowly began down the road and we got up to speed. I looked ahead and saw some bumps coming. I thought he would slow down but remembered a little late that he was very much starting out his education on driving four wheelers. The bumps came VERY quickly and we jolted around a bit. I grabbed the break and again said, "WOOW... we need to slow down when we see a bump and go over it slowly. We don't immediately see what is on the other side, there could be water, or an animal."
He understood and we continued down the road. I kept encouraging him and would say,
"Great job buddy!"
 "Wow, you're getting  GOOD!"
"Keep going! You're awesome!"
He tried to stay on the right side of the road, as we drive on the road in our car (I was excited for his understanding of road and highway rules). I explained to him, "Hey buddy, we try to choose the smoothest course. We look ahead and see what could be coming that could make our journey rougher. We try to avoid any big bumps that could hurt us or the four-wheeler. We can go on the other side of the road as long as no one is coming our way. We concentrate on what is in front of the four wheeler and what is down the road."
He understood and quickly found that looking ahead helped him miss some big boulders and mud holes.
We continued on and enjoyed our lessons and our ride in the mountains. I loved to give him affirmations and small suggestions to his driving.

I couldn't help but think this is exactly how the Holy Ghost works. He tells us sometimes to "slow down" or to "look ahead." "Be cautious of those around you." "Good job! Keep going." "There is a bump ahead, proceed with caution." "A rocky path is up ahead, together we can make it." "No rush, take it at your own pace."

We simply have to LISTEN and OBEY.
We always have a choice in this life, we can listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, or we don't. We can listen to someone who is infinitely wiser and understands the road ahead, or we can ride through life hitting all the rough patches; learning through many may trials and errors. Life is much smoother with the Holy Ghost, our constant companion and friend. He simply wants to help. He is there to help teach us WHY we take the bumps slowly, WHY we avoid the rocks and deep mud and he is there to remind us to KEEP GOING, our journey is long, but it is worth it. Together we can make it!

Sunday, March 8, 2020


I feel very impressed to share with you what I learned at a recent RS Activity. IT WAS MARVELOUS! I feel confident and "armored" with what I need to do now in our home to guard my children and prepare them against pornography.

The speaker was PHENOMENAL! She was forward, knowledgeable and understanding. Her husband had been suffering from a pornography addiction from a very young age, he cleaned up, served an honorable 2 year mission, and thought that was the end of it, he got home and fell back in. He fell in love with his wife and they were sealed in the temple. He fell back in and she didn't find out until 1 1/2 years in their marriage that he had this struggle and addiction. She made it VERY clear, that pornography addiction happens to TRULY GOOD people.

In the world today we no longer have the luxury option "IF" my children ever see pornographic images. Today it is only 1 option, WHEN and will they be prepared and know what to do when that situation arises.

A lady spoke up and said, that her daughter had an issue with that in school, a young boy brought a phone to school and was showing pictures on his phone on the play ground. The little girl was in 2nd grade. Our world is only going to get worse. We need to ARM our children with the tools they need and have the confidence to understand WHY those things are bad and harmful to us.

A BIG discussion to have with our children is WHY they are bad. 

Q: Pornographic pictures are everywhere, so why are they so bad?

A:They give us false impressions of how relationships are, how we should look and act in marriage. Sex is an amazing thing, but there is an appropriate time and place for such a sacred act.

Pornography has changed the way people view sex. Sex is a wonderful, thing, we can't teach our children that sex is bad. Another lady pipped up and said her cousin was always taught that sex was bad, she was married in the temple and even now, after years of marriage, still has trouble getting intimate with her husband. She was taught at a young age that sex is BAD and to never talk about it. After years of marriage and counseling she still can't get that out of her mind that it is BAD. I DON'T wish that on anyone!

The speaker then talked about filtering our computers, and filtering our WIFI. THIS IS A NEED! ASAP!

My favorite quote of the night was,  "Our goal as parents needs to not be one big "The Talk" but many, small, safe, ongoing discussions."
My parents never gave me "The Talk," and I never felt like I was close enough to them to take my awkward questions to them. We need to be open with our children. It's NEVER too late to talk about sex and the proper boundaries!

She talked about teaching your kids DO NOT GOOGLE QUESTIONS! Google is an amazing tool that can help put so much information at our finger tips. But it also leads to terrible things. Google doesn't ask you if you are a certain age to view inappropriate images, google doesn't have moral standards, it just lets you have it! We need our children to come to US! WE as parents are the ones who need to be comfortable and KNOWLEDGEABLE to understand what is going on in the lives of our children. We need to know what the "new" inappropriate things are so we can talk to our children about them and help them understand WHY they are wrong. She mentioned a few things I had NO idea were going on. 'Sex-ting" is a new one, with naughty pictures and new abbreviated words that mean certain things, like how LOL mean Laugh Out Loud, well there are now dirty "moves" made into akranims now that people text each other.
There are plenty more that I'm not aware of, but I need to be, for when that time arrives when my children are exposed to that, I can be prepared.

She brought up something interesting that can bring good discussions. On TV or out in public you see people wearing practically nothing and everyone gets a little uncomfortable, they look away and no one says anything. IT IS CRUCIAL to use those times as teaching times. "Do you see that young women dressed like that? I wonder why she feels she needs that attention? I hope everything is alright at home."

Once we understand and make those people REAL PEOPLE, not just an image or figure in our mind, they become children of God.

Another thing is, seeing a commercial on TV, that everyone gets uncomfortable with, you say, I get a "funny/different" feeling when I see "practically nude" people on TV. That's human nature, EVERYONE DOES! Let your kids know that everyone gets those awkward feelings- its human nature to see bodies and react to them.

Another great thing she discussed, is that as parents we need to be non judgmental. Don't get mad at your children if they have seen this or struggle with this addiction. They need your help! They already feel horrible for doing it as it is. Don't be angry at your children- Be angry at the pornography.

She said statistically speaking, a child's first introduction is age 8. It's amazing that at the age of baptism and agency, Satan begins his temptations. We are all human, and we all make mistakes, but its NEVER to late to talk to our families about pornography.

Create that open line of communication with your kids, and their questions, how crazy or earth shattering they may be!

The speaker also said, if your child comes home and asks you a crazy sexual question, always ask, where did you hear that? What do you think it means?" one of her friends had her little girl come home and say, "Mom, whats a testicle?" The mom said,"well what did you hear it meant?" The little girl said, "I think like an octopus leg or something?" HA HA HA!
By asking that simple question she saved herself from A TOTALLY different conversation.

Also, if they come home with a REAL question, you can say, "That's a good question, lets discuss it after dinner." THIS GIVES YOU TIME TO GO INTO YOUR ROOM, scream into a pillow, and control yourself so you can also think of the right thing to say later.
I'm sure I will use that many times. It's important to keep that poker face so our children don't think we are shaken by such crude things. On the inside we might want to scream, but we need to compose ourselves and explain the TRUE meaning of things and WHY some things are bad.

This conference was a wonderful experience for me, and it gave me confidence that we can overcome situations that I know will arise. I know it's only going to get worse, but now I feel I have strong tools so my husband and I need can prepare and help our children be armed when situations arise.

One of my favorite quotes I had in my room growing up is;
"It's easier to prepare and prevent,
Than it is to repair and repent."

May we PREPARE and PREVENT our families and if needed REPAIR and REPENT.