Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Lemonade Stand - Missionaries and the Atonement

June is 8.5 years old. She has be asking to have a lemonade stand for two years. She has seen them on TV, we have passed by them on the street, and we have stopped to get lemonade from many stands. She even made a plan with her friends like a little church leader to execute for the perfect lemonade stand. 

Yesterday was a busy day, I worked all morning long and then picked up the kids. We entered the house and June said, "Mom, can we PLEASE have a lemonade stand?!" I simply said what I had said for the past two summers, "no." 
They went down on their knees. They begged. They said "please" 50 times, or maybe 500? I lost count. I was simply unfazed and said, "No, I'm tired, we have some chores to do, lets just have a summer day, school starts in one week." 

They begged more. 

I then stepped back and thought about know... to simply get them off my back, lets do it and get it over with!!!

I then said, "YES! And not just because you begged, but because this is the last day we will have to do it!"

We started making lemonade in our cooler. We pulled out a fold up table. June grabbed the lemon table cloth I made her a year ago because she loved "playing lemonade stand" but never had a real one. We grabbed some quarters and some dollars for change. We grabbed poster boards and started coloring like crazy! I knew if we set it up in about 10 minutes, we would still have people coming and going on their lunch break. 

We set it up, I took a picture and did what every other mom does, I announced it on social media. 

The kids were ecstatic when grandma and grandpa stopped by, and even got a tip for such sweet service! 

While my mom approached, she asked June, how much for a glass of lemonade?  June said, 
"It's .50 c. unless you're a missionary, because missionaries get it for free! 
They're preaching the gospel!"

My jaw dropped, where did that come from?! I was beaming! I said a silent thanks to heaven that she knows that we give what we can to the missionaries. They deserve every blessing big and small that come their way. 

My mother left and then the real challenge came. Who would stop at the house? We thankfully live on a corner so we had the traffic of two somewhat quiet streets instead of one. 
Connor (about to turn 7) knew what he needed to do. He grabbed a sign and started yelling, "Lemonade! Come and get your lemonade!" Walking back and forth along the side walk. Yelling so all the neighbors could hear. Yet, no one was coming. He saw a truck with their windows down going down an alley and he started yelling, "Lemonade! Lemonade!" The truck moved on. 

I kept telling the kids, "not everyone will stop. Just smile and wave. Smile and wave.
They may be busy, they may be in a hurry, they might not like lemonade, and that's okay! We are offering something delicious, it's their choice if they want some or not. Just be kind to everyone. Smile and wave. Smile and wave."

Shortly after we had people stop. Then, the workers from the alley truck that Connor was promoting to came back! They said, "Your loud cheering got us to come back. Good job buddy."

Then... things died down... the kids were waiting and waiting. A friend saw my announcement on social media and drove across town with her two small children to support June and Connor.

A while later, dear neighbors and friends stopped and purchased some lemonade. The kids were BEAMING! I was shocked beyond belief. I had to go and make more lemonade! As I was inside making more to fill the cooler, a man stopped by to purchase a cup. June said that she gave him his cup and said, "Here's your change." The man said, "I would like to buy the next person's cup of lemonade." June was excited to tell the next person that their cup was already paid for.

This was a beautiful four hours. Many came together. Many passed by, and cups were filled, both literally and spiritually. 

Later that night we sat down to read scriptures. We read the last column of Mosiah Chapter 26. Three of the final verses in the chapter reached out and touched my heart. 

I thought about what June had said about missionaries as we first set up the stand. They get a free cup because they are preaching the gospel! 

I thought about what missionaries go through. The ups and downs, the sweet and sour. As missionaries, (like in verse 37 says) you try to bring peace, and help people to prosper. You walk circumspectly before God, you receive many and hope to baptize many. 

(Verse 38)You smile and wave even if you are persecuted. You walk in diligence with your fellow laborers and teach the word of God, even in the midst of suffering all manner of afflictions. 

(Verse 39) Yet, you admonish others, and are admonished to. You pray without ceasing and you give thanks for the opportunity to share what you know. You give thanks for the days you have sugar that is sweetly given to you. And you give thanks when you learn lessons as sour lemons are thrown at you.

A mission can be like lemonade. Without the lemons, you wouldn't know how sweet the sugar is. 

I keep thinking about the man who came and "Paid it Forward" by giving of his money to purchase someone else's drink.

Our Savior Jesus Christ has already purchased the cups of lemonade. And He offers to refill it as often as you need. All He asks is that you accept His will. You accept Him in your heart and He will refresh your spirit and brighten your life. 

Missionaries are here to offer lemonade. You smile and wave to those who pass by. We don't aggressively make people drink what they don't want. The gospel is about choosing. You can't force anyone to have faith. You can't force anyone to take what is freely given. All you can do is politely offer. 

That doesn't mean you can't get creative in how you offer such a priceless gift. 
Changing up your approach can help. Every person is different, doesn't that mean they might all react to different approaches?

Some might stop by naturally, others might need a shout out. 
You might need to put your talents to the test.

As long as you are sharing and doing your best, the Lord will bless you for your efforts. He knows your heart. He knows your intentions and He loves you for being you. You are His hands, you are teaching and offering His cups of lemonade that was already purchased long ago. All you need to do is find people to share it with. 

Life is sweet and sour. Look at life through heavens eyes, and see miracles unfold in your life and in lives around you.

Share the marvelous gift of the Lord's Atonement with the world. Smile and wave. 
Be happy knowing you are doing what He would have you do.

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