Sunday, April 28, 2019

We are the Lord's hands

"A story is told that during the bombing of a city in World War II, a large statue of Jesus Christ was severely damaged. When the townspeople found the statue among the rubble, they mourned because it had been a beloved symbol of their faith and of God’s presence in their lives.

Experts were able to repair most of the statue, but its hands had been damaged so severely that they could not be restored. Some suggested that they hire a sculptor to make new hands, but others wanted to leave it as it was—a permanent reminder of the tragedy of war. Ultimately, the statue remained without hands. However, the people of the city added on the base of the statue of Jesus Christ a sign with these words: “You are my hands.”" 
(“You Are My Hands” Dieter F. Uchtdorf April 2010)

When I first heard this short story, I can honestly say that it changed my life. It was told in a primary lesson I was listening to, and my mind was captivated by the thought of ME being the Lord's hands. How had I been the Lord's hands that day? How had I been His hands in the past week? 
From that day on, I pray every morning that I can be His hands in some way. Small or large, simple or complicated. I can love someone, somewhere as He would love them.

The conference talk given by Elder Uchtdorf continued..."True love requires action. We can speak of love all day long—we can write notes or poems that proclaim it, sing songs that praise it, and preach sermons that encourage it—but until we manifest that love in action, our words are nothing but “sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”

Christ did not just speak about love; He showed it each day of His life. He did not remove Himself from the crowd. Being amidst the people, Jesus reached out to the one. He rescued the lost. He didn’t just teach a class about reaching out in love and then delegate the actual work to others. He not only taught but also showed us how to “succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.”

Christ knows how to minister to others perfectly. When the Savior stretches out His hands, those He touches are uplifted and become greater, stronger, and better people as a result.

If we are His hands, should we not do the same?"

Being a true disciple of Christ means to LIVE what you know. Live the gospel in a way that no one can doubt that you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Christ knows what people are going through. He is the ONLY PERSON who knows EXACTLY what you are going through. Your thoughts, actions and struggles. He knows YOU. Not only does he know YOU, but he knows EVERYONE. By asking Him to help you find someone to help, He will direct your path and put you in a place where you can be the one to uplift another.

Proverbs 3:5-6
"5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

You may not understand why you are lead to a specific person at a specific time, but Christ knows. He knows you, and He knows who needs your talents and testimony to help them in their life at that moment.


"God does watch over us, and does notice us.
But it is usually through someone else that He meets our needs."
-President Spencer W. Kimball

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