Thursday, January 31, 2019

Your words and actions can bless or haunt

Recently our family has been talking about our words and actions to other people. How are our actions perceived by others? Are our words being taken to heart? Does what we say or do really matter?

I can honestly say YES! Because they matter to me. I am CONSTANTLY asking the question, "How do you think that makes them feel?" or, "How would you like it if he/she said that to you?!"

My kids then understand that if they were in the receiving end of those actions or words, they would either appreciate or dislike the result.

Being a parent is hard, and teaching your kids empathy and understanding can be tricky. This has helped our family immensely. Simply asking the question in a calm tone, "Why would you do/say that?" "How would you feel if I did/said that to you?"

I have been hearing about cyber bullying or simply lack of respect in schools, churches and at home. Children and teens these days often don't realize the course of their actions.


The words and actions your do and say can bless you later in life, or haunt you.

Let me explain.

I talk often to older women whose children are grown and have children of their own. I learn much from their experiences and enjoy their company. 
When we recall someone from the past, their minds instantly go to how that person treated them, or their child. With one friend, it has been over 15 years since one of her daughters has graduated high school. And this mother still vividly remembers the person, and rude or harsh words that were said to her daughter.

On the flip side, she also recalls with perfect recollection, the kind people in her life and her daughter's life. 

How do you want to be remembered? You can't change the past, but you can shape your future. Only YOU have the power to change the way YOU act and behave.

I am haunted by the thoughts of my unkind words or actions during middle school and high school. I pray they weren't bad enough for people to remember years and years later. I hope others understand that people CAN change, and you need to let them have a second chance. No one is perfect, especially in middle school and high school.

I am also blessed by the memories of kindness people have shown and taught me over the years. I pray that I can bless others around me through my words and actions.

Train yourself to ask, "How would I like it if that word was said to me?" 
"How would that make me feel, if they did that to me?"
"Will this word or action bless me? Or haunt me?"




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