Monday, February 25, 2019

Don't Keep Me in the Dark

We were assigned to clean the church, I was on chapel duty, MY FAVORITE! I love vacuuming with a vacuum that looks like it could make my jet pack dreams come true! (FYI - If I could have any super power, it would be to fly!)

I walked into the black chapel with my jet pack and extension cord, then turned on the only light switch in this corner of the large room. I plugged in and started my job. As I began vacuuming, my eyes became adjusted to the low light. I knew I could walk across the room and turn on many more lights, but I was on a roll and wanted to get done quickly as the rest of my family were busy doing other jobs around the building. I knew I could see just fine, so I kept going, pew after pew. Checking the hymnal holders and vacuuming all surfaces, over and under the benches. As I was working I saw out of the corner of my eye a few heads peek in and then leave. Missionaries, or Family History workers, I'm not sure which. Curiosity is human nature. But I noticed later that no one bothered to to turn on another light. I didn't ask them to, and they never offered. We never spoke, we just kept on going with our assignments. 

I continued vacuuming and I came closer to the excess of light switches on the far wall. I reached over the stand and turned on the nearest two switches. H.O.L.Y C.O.W!!!!! My eyes were quickly opened and I could see everything SOOO MUCH CLEARER!! I had done a good job vacuuming before, but now I could see even better, and so much easier! I didn't realize how much my eyes were straining until the lights came on. I physically relaxed more and kept vacuuming with a smile on my face. I started thinking, who have we left in the dark? Who is living in the dark, not realizing there is more light in this life to have?! How many people do we see going through life in dim lighting and never offer or tell them about more switches? By simply "switching" a few things in your life, you can gain more light and a brighter perspective of EVERYTHING! I still hadn't switched on all of the lights. I added just a few at a time.

C.S. Lewis said, "I believe in the God like I believe in the sun, not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else."

By adding more light in our lives, even if it's a little at a time, we can have a better view of what we are doing. A better perspective of where we are going and why we are here. I don't know about you, but I don't like being left in the dark. Everyone has come to the fold of this church and been in the dim light before or has had an ancestor who found the light and brought it to their posterity. If you are a first generation convert or have been a member your entire life, you still had to find the light of Christ for yourself. 

YOU must be full of light before you can give light to someone else.

Christ taught us to, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  Are we letting our shine so we can bring people closer to Heavenly Father? The TRUE source of truth and light? Are we being good examples and OFFERING to help others find the light switches?

If you feel you are failing, take President Lorenzo Snow's advice. "Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today." 

Be the LIGHT someone needs in their life. Don't leave them in the dim lighting, they don't even know what they are missing! You have to SHOW them! We've all been in dim lighting before. Share what you have found, tell them about the switches you clicked and the understanding and light you have now! Don't keep others in the dark, help bring them into the light!

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