Saturday, January 16, 2016

Can you see yourself in the temple?

A few months ago we went to the Payson Utah Temple open house. We left at 7 and got there for our tour at 8. It was BEAUTIFUL -Truly gorgeous! I can't wait to go back and see it all again. The celestial room was immaculate. They had crystals that matched the chandeliers dangling from the fringe on the bottom of the couches! The carpet was imprinted with designs. The sealing rooms were SCRUMPTIOUS! It was AMAZING to say the least.

It was such a sweet feeling/memory to walk through the rooms with our 2 small children in hand (4 & 2). As we were going through the celestial room, June and I moved to the side where we could "take it all in" and let the continuous motion of people move past us. I looked over and noticed a large mirror. I picked up June walked over with her in arm and said, "June, can you see yourself in the temple?" I gave her a kiss then kept walking. It didn't hit me until about 5 steps later to what I had just said. "Can you see yourself in the temple?" It was both literal and spiritual. I started to tear up as I continued to think about that simple phrase. "Can you see yourself in the temple?" I want to raise my children always seeing themselves in the temple, and always having that as their goal. When we were in a sealing room, we picked up both kids to see their reflection in the large mirrors that seem to go on for eternity. I then said again, to both of them this time, "Can you see yourself in the temple? We are an eternal family because of the temple."

They may not understand the significance the temple has had on our family, but it was such a sweet experience and such a special time we could spend as a family. We are eternally bound together forever because of the temple. I can't bear to imagine eternity without my family. I can't wait for more temple open houses so we can go again and say, "Can you see yourself in the temple?"

For more information about temples and how families can be together forever, click the link below!


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