Saturday, January 23, 2016

Play with me so I can fly!

Whenever I hear "Mom, play with me!" I am overwhelmed. There's so much to do around the house and seems like so little time. AND... It always seems like they ask for me to play with them in the middle of making dinner, or when I'm up to my knees in paint, or folding a mountain of laundry. Kids have bad timing. I am no where near the perfect mom, I don't think anyone can be given that title, but as long as you try, you're doing great. 

  I read a quote the other day that that gave me a little relief. "The very fact that you worry about being a good mom, means that you already are one."

I pray everyday to be a good mom. To be a little more patient and to be a good teacher. I look back at all the practical traits I use everyday that I was taught by my mother. She taught be how to cook, sew, paint, clean, she helped with reading, good manners, and so much more. Teaching your children as they grow is vital to their success in life. It's very intimidating, but not impossible. 

I went to a women's day off conference a couple years ago and one class was SOO full of knowledge it helped me so much! I go back to my notes I took often to remember the information she gave. The class gave me confidence that I can be a good mom.
One thing the teacher said was, "Parent's try to throw their kids a toy and expect them to play with it. The kids have never seen the toy and don't know how to play with it. When a parent is always on their phone or tablet, the child sees that, and wants to do the same. But when a parent takes the time to SHOW the child HOW to play with a toy, you open the unlimited possibilities of imagination and true 'play time'." I love that by taking time to play with your kids you show them how to play. It's obvious that you can't just dump blocks in front of a baby and expect them to build a castle. It's US, the parents who have to SHOW them the possibilities. 

I have learned that my kids love to spend time with mom. It's very flattering that every time I go to the restroom I will have an audience when I open the door. Or when I try to cook a meal, I have two harsh critics as my side telling me what to do, or even more often, "JUST LET ME DO IT!" I have many opportunities a day to either turn my kids away, or to teach them. When folding laundry, I can tell them to go play or I can ask for their help with the small hand towels. When cooking, I can tell them to go watch a movie, or I can explain what I'm doing and have them help stir. 
I feel better when I choose to have their help. I am NOT saying that is what I do every single time, but I try more and more to include my children in my every day tasks to help them learn. 

No one will ever master parenthood, but I do believe that if you are always trying to be a better parent today than yesterday, you have already succeeded. 

Motherhood Moment #2
(Play with Me so I can fly)

Playing airplane with my kids is one of our favorites, and it gives me a great leg and core workout! Win Win!

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